Children Heaven High School, Patna Assignment:-5 Sub.:-Geography 1) What is an ecosystem? 2) What do you mean by natural environment? 3) Which are the major components of the environment? 4) Give four examples of human made environment. 5) What is lithosphere? Write answer of given questions in your copy.
CHHS —- Assignment 5 CLASS WORK -STD VII English spelling 17/04/2020 knowledge, stretches, superstition, candlesticks, tremendous, jestures, embarrassed, haunting, ceased, ridiculous, reassuring, noiseless, goodness, saddened, glimmer, giggling, immobilize, speechless, xeroxed, illogical, declining, applauding, obsolete, shrinking, suburban, specifically, procession, puntuality, absurdly, circumference, thrilling, hopscotch, variation, nimbleness, equipment. Children Heaven High School, Patna Assignment:-5 Sub.:- Physics Note:- […]
CHHS school Assignment 4 std1 Maths Write 30 to 50. write 20 to 1. 3)…..21 ……..57 …..45 …….12 ……10 …..32 ….87 …54 ….45 ….27 …. 21