Do in copy
C.H.H.S school Assignment 2 std4 science 1.Answer the following a) What are wild animals? b) How can you protect animals? 2.Name the following a) Three wild animals ..,………,………..,………….. 2 land animals ……..,………. c)2 water animals …….,………. d)Two animals that live both on land and in water ………….,……….. r)2 extinct animals …………,………. 3.write true’ or false […]
Class 4 computer What are called input devices? Write 5 input devices.
Eng 2nd assignment – IV Learn three forms of verb Fall – Fell – Fallen Come came come Dig dug dug Win won won Tell told told Go went gone Arise arose arisen Sing sang sung Read read read Write wrote written Steal stole stolen Sleep slept slept Think thought thought Stand stood stood
Class IV Assignment
Home Assignment for the students who are promoted to class IV Class 4 What is plateau? Why india is called penisula land? Name the coninents and ocean on the earth? What is the prime meridian? Science Std 4(learn & discuss) source of water, water cycle,need for water,save water. Class:- IV Sub.:- Mathematics Tables 2 to […]