Computer definition:-
1.) Computer:- A computer is an electronic machine.

2.) Monitor:- A monitor looks like T.V.

3.) Keyboard:- A keyboard has many buttons on it is called keys.

4.) C.P.U:- C.P.U is the brain of the computer.

5.) Mouse :- A mouse is a pointing device.

Learn and write in your copy

English Homework :

A. Tick(√)the correct answer.

i.Who is sitting alone on the bench ?()
a.Linzy. b.Aslam
ii.Who is playing with Ravi and Rupa ?
a.Linzy. b.Jasbir
iii.Where is Linzy from ?
a.Shillong. b.Pune
iv.What has Papa made for Rupa?
a.Idli. b.Poha

B.Who said this? Match the sentences to the names ?

1.“I don’t like to be alone at all.”
2.“I have got idlis and chutney.”
3.“You draw so well, Linzy”.
4.“It is fun to have so many friends.”

C.Write True or False.
1.Rupa is going to throw the ball. ( )
2.Ravi is on the slide. ( )
3.3.The friends share their lunch. ( )
4.Jasbir gets momos for lunch . ( )
5.Linzy sings well. ( )
6.Ravi,Rupa,Jasbir and Linzy play together. ( )

हिन्दी गृहकार्य (२७.०४.२०२०)

(क)उत्तर दीजिये :-

१.मुर्गे ने बाग लगाकर क्या कहा ?
२.सूरज क्या करने आया है ?
३.दादीजी कहाँ जाने की तैयारी कर रही है ?

(ख) सही उत्तर पर ✅ लगाइए :-

१.पापाजी ने क्या मँगवाया ?
()अखबार ()बस्ता
()खाना ।
२. दादाजी कहाँ गए है ?
()बाज़ार. ()घूमने
()सोने ।

(ग) कविता की पंक्तियाँ पूरी कीजिए :-

१._ने भी डाला डेरा,
चीं-चीं,चीं-चीं हुआ_

२.-धोकर तैयार तुम होना,
अनमोल समय है यूँ मत __

(घ)उत्तर दिजीए :-

१.रसोइ में कौन काम कर रही है ?

२.सुबह होने पर सबको क्या करना चाहीए ?

३.मुन्नी क्यों रो रही है ?

Mathematics Homework .

1.Write the number names for the following :-

a.87 :___________
b.92 :___________
d.13 :____________
e.54 :____________
f.67 :____________

2.Write the missing numbers by counting forward :

a.22,23,,,, ,_ . b.,45,46,,,
,, ,_ .

3.Write the missing numbers by counting backward :

a.,76,75,,, ,_ , .
b.,24,23,,,, .

4.Write the numbers that come JUST BEFORE and IUST AFTER.

a._ 81
b. 18
c. 27
d. 46

e._ 37 .
f. 6
h._ 56

5.Write the number that comes BETWEEN the given numbers.

a.18 _ 20 b.25 ___27 c.48 _____50. d.98 _____100. e.73 75.

6.Observe the patterns and fill in the missing numbers:

8,10,12,,,_ ,,
,,, c.55,53,51,,, ,,_ .

Homework Dated :28.04.2020


1.Rearrange the words to make sentences :-

a)Sleeping cat my is .

b)parents my me love .

c)the in den stay.

d)standing near the door I

e)The day you behind at

2.What do you learn from school ?

3.Draw a pencil and write five(5) lines on it.

            . ___✏

हिन्दी गृहकार्य :(दिनांक २८.०४.२०२०)👇

१. पाठ-२ “शारा की अनोखी यात्रा” हिन्दी कॉपी में लिखकर
याद करो ।

२.प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो :-

क) मेढ़क के बच्चे का क्या नाम था ?

ख)मेढ़क लंबी छलांग कैसे लगाते है ?

ग)किसने शारा को अपनी पीठ पर बैठाने की बात कही ?

३.कहानी मे से (ं)और (ँ)की मात्रा वाले शब्द छाँट कर लिखो ।

__ __
__ __
__ __
__ __
__ __

अपनी हिन्दी पुस्तिका में “मछली” का चित्र बना कर उस पर तीन वाक्य लिखो ।


Mathematics Homework dated: 28.04.2020.

1.Observe the patterns and fill in the missing numbers:

a.24,26,28,,,, ,__.

b.33,38,43,,,_ ,. c.92,90,88,,,

2.Write ORDINAL number 1 to 20 and also learn them.

  1. How many breads did you
    eat in breakfast today ?
    Make a number line in your copy and circle the number. .

Learn all the spelling and write 3 times in your copy.

  1. Tree
  2. Fruit

Answer in one word .

  1. What is the capital of bihar?
    Ans:- _.
  2. What is the name of colours in olympic ring?
    Ans:- __
  3. How many legs does a spider have?
    Ans:- __
  4. What is the name of the highest mountain on earth?
    Ans:- _
  5. How many legs does a butterfly have?
    Ans:- _

Draw a rainbow in your gk copy and write the colors present in the rain bow

Dated :- 29.04.2020

  1. What does a baby plant need to grow ?
    a)____________ .
    b)____________ .
    c)____________ .
    d)____________ .

2.Write 10 colours name ?


3.Make sentences with :-


4.Fill in the missing letters to name things you learn from school ?👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

हिन्दी गृहकार्य
दिनांक: २९.०४.२०२०👇

१. नाम लिखो :-

क)दो उड़ने वाले जीवों के नाम लिखो ?

ख) दो पानी मे तैरने वाले जीवों के नाम लिखो ?

ग)दो पेड़ो पर रहने वाले जीवों के नाम लिखो ?

घ)दो जमीन के नीचे रहने वाले जीवों के नाम लिखो ?

२.उत्तर लिखो :-

क)माँ सारा को क्या सिखा रही थी ?

ख)सारा घबराई हुई किसे ढुँढ रही थी ?

ग)सारा कैसे सफ़र पर गई थी ?

घ)सारा किससे बाते कर रही थी ?

३.वाक्य बनाओ :-

मजेदार :-____________________________________________________
नदी :- ____________________________________________________
पीठ :- ____________________________________________________



  1. Write the numbers in expanded form :-

98 = +
35 =
69 =
55 = _+

15 =+

2.Write the numerals for the following :

200+00+8 =
100+60+9 =
400+20+7 =
100+00+6 =

3.Write the smallest and greatest numbers from the following :

NUMBERS. Small. Great



4.Arrange the numbers in Increasing and decreasing orders :-

39,73,95,48 .

Increasing Order:

Decreasing Order :

93,13,73,27 .

Increasing Order :

Decreasing Order :

           💫 📖💫


Dated : 30.04.2020

  1. Write TRUE or FALSE :

a)The fairy is sad .

b)Liza plucks the flowers because she doesn’t like them.

c)Liza loves flowers .

d)Liza is happy to see the flowers turns brown.

2.Answer these Questions :

A)“Why are you crying little girl ?”
a)Who asked this question?
b)Who was crying ?

B.“I pluck them because, I liked them.”
a)who pluck them ?
b)What did she pluck ?

3.Write Plurals :-

River =
Duck =
Park =


🖋️✏️हिन्दी गृहकार्य✏️🖋️

दिनांक : ३०.०४.२०२०.

१.शब्दार्थ लिख कर याद करो:-

दया –
प्रार्थना –
घायल –
नज़र –
तुरंत –
रोज –

२. खाली स्थानो को भरो :-

क)कौए की नज़र पेड़ के निचे घुम रही एक _पर पड़ी ।

ख)महात्मा चुहीया को अपनी _______में ले आए ।

ग)बिल्ली रोज़ कटोरा भरकर ______पीती ।

घ)_______जंगल का राजा होता है ।

३.प्रश्नो के उत्तर दो :-

क) चुहीया को किसने घायल किया ?

ख) चुहिया कहाँ गिरी ?


👑👑MARHEMATICS👑👑 Dated : 30.04.2020

  1. Solve the following :
    1. 20
      +28. -17. -12. +55
      —— —- —– —-
      —— —- —– —-
    1. 25
      +25. -10. -63. +16
      —- —- —- —–
      —- —- —- —–

2.Solve these problems :-

a)Sanjay had 25 rupees.
Ritu gave him 70 rupees.
How much money is there with now ?

b) Sixteen boys were playing
with marbles.Twelve boys went back home to complete their homework.How many boys were playing .

3.Write the next number in the following patterns :-

ii)16,18,20,,,_ iii)41,40,39,,,


Choose the correct answer in one word:-

1.) Who is the first prime minister of India __.( Jawaharlal nehru, Narendra modi).

2.) What is the capital city of india__________.( New Delhi, Bihar)

3.) Which state is also know as the”Fruit Bow” of India _.( Himanchal Pradesh, Maharashtra)

4.) Who is Sachin Tendulkar _.( Indian cricketer, Indian boxing ).

5) Where is Taj Mahal located.__ ( Agra , Mathura )

6) Who is the current President__________ ( Ramnath kovind, Nitish Kumar)

7) Which is the National sport of India __( Hockey, cricket).

8.) Which viruse is spread all over the world__________ (Corona virus, swine flu).

Science read chapter 1 and learn question and answer , definition , answer any two.

(Dated :01.05.2020)

1.Write in your copy and learn at home 👇 :

👉 What is Noun ?
👉 All naming words are called Noun .It can be the name of Place ,Person ,Animal ,or Things.


There are three kinds of noun


2 Answer these questions :

a) What should we not do on the road ?

b)What should we not do in a zoo ?

c)What should we not do in a moving bus ?

d)What should we not do in our house ?

3.Name them :👇

Two persons :
____ __
Two places :
____ __
Two animals :
____ __
Two things :
___ ___


👑👑हिन्दी गृहकार्य 👑👑
👑👑👑कक्षा -२👑👑👑
👑👑दिनांक : ०१.०५.२०२०

१. दो व्यंजनों के प्रयोग से दो-दो वाक्य बनाओ ?

त्त : _

ल्ल : _ __

न्न :_ _

क्क : _

२. इनरे घरो के नाम लिखो :

क) घोड़ा –में रहता है ।
ख)चिड़ियाँ –
में रहता है ।
ग) मधुमक्खी-
में रहता है ।
घ) शेर –_में रहता है ।
ड़़) चुहा –
में रहता है ।

३. चुहा का चित्र बना कर तीन वाक्य लिखो ?


👑👑Std :- 2👑👑
👑Dt :- 01.05.2020.👑

1.Write the numerals for the following :

a) One hundred seven :

b)One hundred seventy-four

c) One hundred forty :

d)One hundred twenty :

e) One hundred eleven :

  1. Answer these :

A.The greatest three digits number is :___

B.The smallest three digits number is :___

C.The smallest one digit number is :_____

D.The greatest one digits number is :_____

E.The greatest two digits number is :_____

F. The smallest two digits number is :_______

  1. Fill in the blanks :

a.20 tens :Hundreds __________ones. b.40 tens :_______Hundreds ____ ones.
c.60 tens : Hundreds
d.80 tens : Hundreds
e. 90 tens :_ Hundreds __ ones.


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