Month: April 2020

C.HH S school, Assignment 3, Std1,science. Living things &Non living. things Definition-Who can breathe, takes food,grown and move are living things.(learn it) 1.Name some living things. Name some non living things. Name some living things you see on the road. Name some non living things you see in the park. 5.paste some living things. Paste […]

CHHS CLASS WORK -STD V Learn English Spelling ( FROM BOOK) paintings, impressed, countries, knowledge, ignorant, imagine, challenge, listening, masterpiece, boast, edge, imagination, ministers, magnificent, fastened. Class 5 : science Third assignment:- 1.What are the requirements needed for our body to stay healthy? 2.Define a balanced diet. 3.Explain the functions of the following in our […]

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