हिन्दी (HINDI):👇
१.वर्णो से पाँच -पाँच शब्द बनाओ :-
अ – —-,—-,—-,—-, —- ।
आ –
क –
—- ।
ख –
—- ।
२. स्वरों की मात्रा से शब्द बनाओ : –
ई – ——,—–,—–।
उ – ——,—–,—–
ए – —–,—–,—– ।
ओ ——,—–,—–।
औ- —–,—–,——।
३. वाक्य बनाओ : –
हाथी – ——————————————
मछली – ——————————————
राजा – ——————————————
देश – ——————————————
दोपहर – ——————————————
४.इनके घरों के नाम लिखें :-
क. शेर : —–में रहता है ।
ख. घोड़ा: —–में रहता है ।
ग. गाय :—–में रहती है ।
घ. मछली :—– में रहती है
ड. बंदर : —–में रहता है ।
1.Fill in the blanks 👇
i)India celebrates its Independence day on _ August.
ii) The flag of India has three colours. They are _,,.
iii)The national anthem of India is ______.It was written by __.
iv)The capital of India is _________.
v)________________________became the Prime Minister of India in 2014.
2.Draw and Colour the National Flag of India.👇
- Circle the correct option :
a.A number which is greater than 578, is :-
558 785 119 .
b.A number which is smaller than 479, is :-
558 785 119
c.The number which comes just after 389, is :-
390 388 370
d.The number which comes just before 800, is :-
799 801 900
e.The number which lies between 776 & 777 is :-
776 797 778
- Write TRUE and FALSE :-
A. 234 ,104 ,65 ,6 ,are in ascending order.()
B. 245 is an odd number.()
C.The number 824 and 532 are greater than 399.()
D.455 = 544 ().
3.Solve the following :-
a.7 8. b.6 2. c. 1 6
-2 4. +1 4. +27
—— —— —–
—— —— —–
d. 5 9. e. 7 7
-3 8. -5 2
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