provide learning spaces and learning environments
acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits
acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits
Extra Curricular
Science, S.St , Exhibition, G.K Quiz, Math Quiz, Science Quiz, Rangoli Competition, Diya Making.
About us
School Facilities

From the desk of Principal ...
Today we are in a society where knowledge is expanding in gigantic proportions. Mere knowledge of subjects and command over administration do not make an effective Principal. It is the flexibility to adapt to new situations, ability to incorporate recent theories and strategies, to do something extra for the lives of the learners which determine the true worth of a Principal.
For me education is to develop a child -
- Academically successful
- Intellectually strong
- Culturally rich
- Socially accepted
- Ethically charged
"In the race of millons... We Keep You Ahead". Our aim is to create an ambience of learning with emphasis on proactive thinking , creativity and leadership qualities.
We truly believe that "True Education irrigates mind, intellect and soul".
Jai Hind
Give us a Call: 0612-2526941, 9939205876
Children's Heaven High School
& Kids' Haven PreSchool
Smart Class
Smart Class an transform the teaching and learning process into an interactive experience. There is an incredible online database available for both students and teachers and teachers Via "Teach Next" Company

Library in a School is an essential Part of lives of the Students. It is known as a 'Store house' of informations and Knowledge. Library inspires the students to continue Reading.
Library encourages the development of the group and individual learners, it assists in the development of vocabulary of students, their Comprehension and problem solving approaches Library opens a world of Wisdom for students & teachers both.
CHHS has a library Consisting of about nearly 4000 books ranging from Tales, Stories, Science, Epics, Literature, Art and Current events, reference books of all subjects.

Events are also an important part of School Curriculum as they promote Social and Emotional learnings, cultural heritage and respect for different religious, regiou, Languages, and traditions.
CHHS organises 'Annual Function' in the month of December. This is the time when talents are Promoted, Views are exchanged and understandings are recharged. Apart from ths we also oraganise Fancy Dress Show, Mother's Day, Mango Day, Science and Social Science exhibitions.

Smart Class
Group Discussion
Group Discussion are an important tool in Our School's teaching learning process as group discussions Promote a deeper understanding of a topic with long term retention. They also Promote Communication Skills and Presentation Skills.
In Our School 'Group Discussion' are the basis of value education, Science and Social Science.

We firmly believe that Competition are crucial tool in enriching learning of the students in system of education as a whole. Competitions help students to increase their creativity, Presentation Skills, Public speaking skills. They also Promotes self-confidence in the students.
Children's Heaven High School organises many Competitons yearly like - English Spelling Contest, Hindi Spelling Contest, English Elocution, Hindi Elocution, Maths Quiz, G.K. Quiz, Diya Making Contest, Rangoli Making Contest, Science Quiz.

Cultural Activities
Group Discussions
Benchmark Setter
Children at Children's' Heaven High School construct their own pathway through the curriculum according to their own learning styles, personal interests and pace of learning. For this reason our classrooms are bound by scientific timetable. Children work on their own, in pairs or small groups as they choose. In this way every child can receive a flexible and enriched experience, rather than being confined to a teacher-directed program.
Call :- 9060531302
What parents's say?

Sanjay Kumar
Very good school for all classes teacher are really good and facilities are also very much good and smart classes are also good

Swati Sharma
House Wife
Discipline is very very good and school support much of the co-curricular activities and children sent here the have there future bright.
Why choose our School?

We are the best at what we Educate.
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